25 Cinco de Mayo Recipes

April 30, 2014





  1. I love this collection and your photos!!! Totally getting some ideas for my Cinco de Mayo menu!

  2. All these recipes are amazing- I love the photos! Got some brilliant recipes to try out for Cinco de Mayo now!

  3. Wow, those pictures are totally mouthwatering. Great ides for a mexican feast! 🙂

  4. Carrian says:

    Wow! What great recipes!

  5. OH YESSSS!!! Best round-up ever! And thank you for the link love:)

  6. This SO puts me in the mood for Mexican food. Love all the ideas!

  7. These recipes all look so delicious, but I think the one I want the most is the margarita! This baby better hurry up! 😉

  8. WHUDDAAA Roundup!! SCORE!

  9. Great roundup! I see a few that I will have to try this next week….and those stuffed jalapenos like amazing!

  10. Oh this is just what I needed!! Some how I’ve totally forgotten about Cinco de Mayo coming up!

  11. What an awesome roundup! Just what I needed for some inspiration. Those churro donuts are calling my name. 🙂

  12. What a great roundup! I just posted a Cinco de Mayo recipe too. Baked migas cups is an awesome idea 🙂

  13. Such a great roundup of delicious looking recipes! I don’t know how I’m going to choose. The Mexican Potato Salad is so creative and I love those little mini baked migas cups!

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