Our little pumpkin turned 8 months this past weekend. You will have to ignore the bright orange ball in the photos. There is NO WAY we could have taken any photos if we took it away. The only reason she HAS to claim it is because it’s our dog’s ball.
Let me tell you that SO many things have happened since our last Olivia post. At the beginning of the month she came down with hand, foot and mouth disease. If you have ever had a loved one experience it you know where I come from when I say, “IT IS AWFUL.” It is very contagious so I had to pull her from daycare for almost a week.
She is getting to be such a big girl! We are transitioning from 9 month clothes to 12 month clothes and into a size 4 diaper. Not even sure how long we will be in those clothes.
Olivia is also starting to eat some table food. I made this recipe for her and she LOVED it. I’ve also given her some avocado, bananas, cheerios, apples, pineapples and noodles to experiment.
Another great thing that has happened in the last month is that she has said Da Da and Ma Ma. I mean what parent wouldn’t love to hear their child say their name. Say my name, same my name………..
Her giggles are addicting and we love to turn off the TV and just focus on her most of the time. Livi did start to crawl but would rather stand to check things out. She has taken a couple of spills especially when she thinks she can stand on her own. I swear this girl has NO FEAR and is definitely going to be a climber. Hope you enjoyed our update on Livi! If you want to know more about Olivia throughout the month be sure to check me out on Instagram.
She’s adorable!!! I love when they start experimenting with foods, so fun.
Thanks Aggie.
Is she not just the cutest thing!! I can’t believe she’s 8 months already! You’re gonna have to start planning a birthday party soon!
I know! I started a pinterest board already for birthdays!
AWWW! Cutie patootie!! Poor lil thing was sick 🙁 SO exciting that she said your guys’ names, though!! awww!
It was AWFUL when she got sick and she is still peeling 3 weeks later from her blisteres. 🙁
She is just too stinkin cute!
Thanks Kate. She is growing so fast.