Most of us in Texas have been tuned into our local weather stations for the past month regarding hurricanes and localized flooding. I now live in West Texas but for 6 years after college, my heart belonged to the Houston area. When Hurricane Harvey hit it was devastating knowing that my friends and old co-workers were going through such a hard time. Around the same time, United Blood Services contacted me about working with them on bringing awareness for people to donate blood.
Shaun and I have donated money and other items to help out our friends but another item that is MUCH needed is blood.
Anytime a disaster of the magnitude that happened with Harvey and Irma occurs, there are tons of difficulties that arise with maintaining the blood supply in the areas affected. As we all sit and read about these issues, this is one of the easiest ways to support local people directly impacted by these awful events. Please join me and United Blood Services by supporting our fellow Americans in this time of need.
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